Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven

"S'iz shver tzu zein a yid": Its hard to be a Jew.

I just came across this in Tractate Shabbat 54b

Every person who can protest to the members of his household [to warn them against sin], and did not protest, – is held responsible for his household members’ [sins.]

[If he can, and failed to protest] to the people of his city – he is held responsible for the [sins of the] people of the city.

[If he can, and failed to protest] to the entire world, – he is held responsible for [the sins of] the entire world.

Rav Pappa said: Therefore the Excilarcs [heads of the Jewish Community in Babylon] are held responsible for [the sins of] the entire world.

As is was said by Rabbi Hannina: “Why is it written, (Isaiah 3) ‘God will come in judgment against the elders of his people and their officers [ministers/princes/leaders.]’? If the officers sinned – what is it the fault of the elders? Rather, its is because the elders failed to protest to the officers.

Now what do we do?

sigh ...


Blogger Unknown said...

read Avoda Zara 2-4

8:55 pm  

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