Wednesday, April 16, 2008

U.S. Jewish Doves Form Lobby

Read all about it: "New Jewish-American lobby wants to be alternative to AIPAC "!

Will they succeed? Only time will tell.

But more interesting to me is how entirely "mainstream" their goals seem to me. Why is this lobby needed? Why is it considered radically dovish? Must show how far to the left I have drifted, or how far to the right the U.S. (and Canadian) Jewish establishment have gone.

To me the positions of this new lobby group seem on the timid side of common sence.

In favor of a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Iran; against
Israeli settlements in the territories; Jerusalem as Israel's recognized
capital after a solution has been reached between the parties; two states,
Israel and Palestine, living in peace and security.

Of course I wish them well. May they indeed succeed in becoming the voice of the Jewish "silent majority". Trouble is, by the time they succeed in influencing U.S and Israeli policy, it may be too little to late.


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