Thursday, November 08, 2012

Gvaldt! World to Be 6 Degrees Warmer by 2100 !!


While every one is looking at the American elections, the economy, the ME, etc., the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Hurricane Sandy and last summers droughts and wild fires are only a taste of what is to come.

As reported in the Guardian, a U.K. report - from Price Waterhouse Cooper no less - predicts 6 degrees C (10.8 F) average warming by 2100.t
The report concludes that "governments and businesses can no longer assume that a two-degree warming world is the default scenario", and urges greater planning to cope with the disruptive effects that more unpredictable and extreme weather will have on supply chains, long-term assets, and infrastructure, particularly in coastal or low-lying regions.
The Guardian goes on on to say:
Meanwhile, businesses in carbon-intensive sectors must also anticipate "invasive regulation" and the possibility of stranded assets, said Jonathan Grant, director of sustainability and climate change at PwC.
That may be so - eventually - but I fear too late to avoid massive damage and dislocation. But if anyone in power is reading this, I say lets get started sooner than later.

h/t to JJG in the Forward 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad. Mr. Harper, take note.

I hope you will write a post soon on your thoughts on the current military action undertaken by Israel in Gaza.

1:05 am  

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